

Heartik Club April Art & Science Event

Our Heartik Club's Spring event on April 2 proceeded as planned. It was a sunny day, but the overnight wind had left a chill in the air. After the outdoor art exhibition and auction, we decided to move the outdoor lecture to a warmer indoor location. 

The small painting auction was quite successful and we also received several direct donations to our club, which further added to our training budget. We are extremely grateful for all the support we have received! 


That day’s scientific lectures covered two topics - astronomy and biology - and the children eagerly participated, enthusiastically competing to answer questions with impressive accuracy. Our members were especially pleased to encourage and inspire these young minds to explore and discover their world. Our goal has always been to make a positive contribution to the children in our community, and we will continue to work even harder towards this end!


Contact Us

Contact: James Zhou/ Elise Cheng

Add: New York Headquarter


