

Christmas Party With Artistic Children

On the afternoon of December 10th, 2023despite the wind outside, the indoors felt as warm as spring. Heartik's long-planned Christmas party for special education children proceeded as scheduled. As special education families continued to arrive, the number of people exceeded our expectations, but fortunately we were prepared and accommodated a party of up to 60 people. Hosted by James and Bella, the special education children sang Christmas carols and danced joyfully with Amelia, Amy, and other older siblings. They also played games and participated in a ball relay race, trying to see who could move the most balls into a box using a spoon within a set time. The participating children all received small prizes and were especially excited, eagerly trying to complete the activities. Then it was time to write Christmas cards, each child becoming a little artist, expressing their creativity and thoughts on the cards to give to their dearest family, friends, and teachers. Finally, we shared delicious snacks with a mix of both Western and Asian flavors, sweet and savory, which were quickly devoured. Every child's face was filled with happiness and joy, and seeing their smiles filled our hearts with even more joy! When saying goodbye, some parents even donated money, hoping for more activities to be organized. We are incredibly grateful for their support and trust! We hope more young people can join to make our community even better!


Contact Us

Contact: James Zhou/ Elise Cheng

Add: New York Headquarter


